Phooling Around

Some of the photos I've taken recently and a couple old favorites.
(For more of my photos check out the photo blog my sister and I post on)

A Moment By the River
A Moment of Love

A Moment of Fun

A Moment of Peace
Kinangop, Kenya 2008

A Moment of Concentration
The Master Carpenter/My Boss
A Moment of Perfection
As level as it gets!
(Click to enlarge it and see the bubble!)

A Moment of Rest

A Moment Forgotten
Jack Daniels Whiskey Bottle

Quiet Reflections

A Moment Alone
My Gracious Suitemate

A Moment in Time

Worth The Risk

A Moment Together
A grandfather and his granddaughter


  1. Ruth, these are really, really good! Great saturation and composition.

    Excellent work!! xo Barbara

  2. Thanks! It's a newfound hobby! A great way to relax!
