Saturday, September 25, 2010

Biker Chick

Yesterday some friends and I went shopping and I bought a great new faux leather (can't afford the real stuff) jacket. When we got back from dinner and shopping we decided to stay up and watch a couple DVDs in honor of my receiving some bittersweet news from a friend. As we drove up to the DVD rental place we saw a girl talking to three guys in a truck. When we got out of the car we heard "Well, the nearest booze is an hour away, and the women there really aren't that beautiful." The guys seemed dejected and pondered for a moment what to do.  Then they saw me standing in my new jacket, and one yelled out, "Hey are you a biker chick?" The friends muttered something as well about looking cool. I quickly stammered a negative response, trying to do everything I could not to crack up.  The guys seemed dejected and drove off. We asked the girl what they had been looking for, and she responded they said they were from New York, and were looking for a gentleman's club. However, their lisence plates were from AR and they had other indicators that they were from the same college as us. We just shrugged it of, and said they were probably just some stupid freshman that had a little too much to drink. I must admit though it felt kinda fun to be hit on by them. Especially since that was the first time a guy has ever talked to me first instead of one of my friends. Granted they were probably just looking for something that I have nothing to do with, but it was still a hilarious situation. My friends all agreed I could pull off the biker chick look, and who knows what the future will hold...I'm still just really excited about my new jacket =D


  1. this is a funny post,nice ruth....

  2. Nice! It is a great thing to be able to pull off the biker chick (or even just the leather jacket) look - I couldn't hope to ever do either. Which is a shame, 'cause I've always had a secret desire for a leather jacket (faux or otherwise). Sigh.

    Enjoy your new jacket :)

  3. Thanks to you both!

    Cruella: I've always wanted a leather jacket, and finally just decided what-the-heck and got it. It's not a biker jacket, but I guess once you've had a few any leather jacket must look that way :)
