Friday, December 10, 2010

To The New Owner of My GPS

Dear Grinch,

I do not know why you chose to break into my car today and steal my GPS. I have decided, however, to bear no ill will against you. You obviously needed it more than I did. I hope you have a Grinch-style revelation this Christmas, and find new direction for your life. I do wish you would return my backpack as it has textbooks and class notes that I would dearly like to have. I'm glad you did not break my window as you did my friend's, or steal my purse as you did my neighbor's. Sure it's just one more thing in a week that has been full of everything I touch going wrong. But, since it's only stuff, I will replace it. I'm not happy about your decision to rob my car, but I refuse to let you ruin the Christmas season for me. Enjoy your new GPS. TomTom was good to me, and I know he will be to you.

With Christmas Cheer,
Cindy Lou Who (a.ka. Ruth)

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