Monday, February 28, 2011

On Forgiveness

Had a lot on my mind and couldn't go our for a run due to an impeneding thunderstorm and I hadn't written in a while so I thought I'd sit down and see what happened. This is something I wrote and edited a little, but I kinda like it as is, raw and unpolished. The photos were taken by my H last time we were together (Thanksgiving I believe?). Let me know what'cha think! I want your honest opinions because the only way to get better is to learn. Enjoy!

On Forgiveness
Forgiveness is tough. Messy.
It goes against the grain of human nature.
To deny that primal need for revenge.
To not seek retribution,
Or hold a silent grudge.
To set aside the oft considered right of justice.

To forgive does not mean to forget.
Nothing can erase the offense from memory.
It will always be there,
Haunting my mind.
Plaguing my dreams.
But it does not control my life.

To forgive is not easy.
It takes time. Work.
It often brings pain before relief.
It is not a solitary act,
But an ongoing process,
A daily choice.

To forgive is liberating.
It frees my heart from strangling anger,
And piercing hate.
It loosens the bonds of animosity,
Restores peace,
And quiets my soul.

To forgive is necessary.
To let go, essential.
I am no righteous judge,
And justice is not mine to seek.
Instead I choose forgiveness.
And with forgiveness comes life.

1 comment:

  1. A very mature perspective. You are a good writer. Just wish we were on your radar screen. You won't be nearby for much longer. Love ya, MLH
