Sunday, March 13, 2011

Some Days

I'm really working on being more positive. On looking for the silver lining, and putting my best foot forward. But some days it catches up with you. I'm getting ready to graduate in May with my BA degree, and just really wishing my Mom could be here for the ceremony. Dad had a prostate biopsy on Thursday, and we're waiting for Friday to see what the results hold. I'm not sure if I should wish for it to be all clear, or if I hope they find something we can fix that will cure his health problems. And to top it all of, there's a guy I like and who I think likes me back and I would just really love to be able to pick up the phone and call my mom to talk about it. Most days I just think about her as a passing thought with a smile, but today I just really wish I could get a hug from her and a listening ear. I'm surrounded by so many loving people, and my "adopted" Mom is really amazing, but it's just not the same.

Sorry for the depressing post, but I just needed to get it off my mind. My best friend and I are about to go to dinner and bowling, and I want to be in a better mood for him (wink).

So do me a favor, give your mom a hug if your able, or at least a phone call. Tell her you love her and that you're grateful for all she's done. Moms are such a big part of our lives, and sometimes we don't realize just how much so until its too late.


  1. This is a great post Ruth. To be quite honost me and my mom or dad has never been that close. I mean I am sure we were when I was younger but not now at all. See I was brought up most by my grandparents.They put me thorugh school,and now through college so you see what I mean. Last year we almost lost my grandfather due to a massive heartattack. I can't tell you how much that hurts me knowing that I could have lost him. I stayed by his bed side for two weeks when he was in the hospital not knowing at all if he would even make it. To get to the point he lived,but is now very weak. He and my grandmother are both fighters. with everything he and her as had to go thorugh im not sure what honstly keeps them going each and everyday. Anyways,I think it takes something big to happen to relize how much you lovve someone. It's so simple to say I LOVE YOU,yet we forget. Ruth your mom sounded like an amazing women. I know she would be proud of you,but just know this, she may not be here physically but she is alwyas here with you,looking down and relizing that your a great person who is doing something amazing.

  2. Thanks Lyndsie, I knew you'd be able to see where I was coming from on this one. Some days it just seems to hit harder than others, it just seems like those days are the days I need to blog and get it out of my system :)

    I hope all is going well with you and your school/work!

  3. It is thanks Ruth and I hope all is going well with your work and schook as well. And yes I can see where you are coming from. Blogging is a great place to just let it out,I think of my blog as one big diary just waiting for me to write in it.
