Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Jeans

I'm not a big shopper...okay, I actually HATE shopping. I can never find stuff that fits my body type, and since I grew up shopping with my Dad (who, bless his heart, did his best but loves to walk around in overalls and cowboy boots), I have absolutely no fashion sense. But the one thing I love about shopping is when you finally find something that fits. Something that I feel I look good in (even if it may not be 100% truth that I do). I really love when I get a pair of jeans that has the perfect fit. I don't have the money to shop at places that would get me stuff that really fits well, I'm more of a TJ-Max and Wal-Mart shopper, but occasionally I find something that just makes my day. I've been needing to buy new jeans for a while, but have been putting it off because of how traumatic shopping normally is for me.  because I tore a hole in my favorite jeans a little while ago and it had finally gotten so big that I couldn't wear them, I decided that on my lunch break I was going to see what the local store had that would come close to fitting. I found one pair that was okay, but not great and on my way out saw some that looked comfortable and were my size so I went ahead and bought them. When I got home I tried them on, and they were great! Comfortable, and loose fitting, but still somewhat stylish. I just love the feeling of jeans that fit. Just makes my whole day better. So I sit here bored at work, but content in my new jeans. No one else has a clue that inside I'm just like a little kid jumping up and down for sheer joy. I normally hate shopping, but new jeans just put a smile on my face and a song in my heart (especially when they're on sale!).

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ruth I soooo,no what you are talking about. Everytime I go shopping I can never figure out what size I am. My weight is always going in every which direction so it is so hard for me to buy clothes. But like you once you find something it feels so good. It feels like that outfit was made you and you feel like you can conquor the world in that outfit . Yes,oh yes I so know what you mean.

    PS:IF You get the time check out my post I DID last night and tell me what you think.
