Thursday, March 24, 2011

Authentic Cowgirl

This weekend I had the opportunity to travel back home and visit my Dad, H and S. We also got the news that Dad's biopsy came back clean, so that was a huge relief! One of S's favorite things to do is ride horses. A while back I posted about how envious I was of her skill. So, I decided I would go riding with her one afternoon to spend time doing what she does best. I proudly pulled on my boots, hat, and jeans and looked every inch the authentic cowgirl. I mean, I really looked the part. Then I strutted up to the barn, looking like I knew exactly what I was doing. S quickly handed me this huge stack of tack (riding equipment). Although I had saddled a horse before, it had been some time, and it quickly became obvious that I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. S quietly came over and fixed my mistaken jumble of straps without fanfare, for which I am grateful. So there I was, looking the part but completely oblivious, and there she was in jean shorts looking like a supermodel, but the master of her craft. Later it became even more evident that I didn't have a clue what I was doing when the horse took off with me and I nearly killed myself, but that's a story for another post!

My crazy mind started thinking about how sometimes that's how we go through life. Looking the part, but not really living it. I used this as a Bible Study topic last night, about how many people claim to be religious but don't really "walk the walk," but rather just "talk the talk." It can apply to so much else though. Are we really letting our true selves out around others, or do we have a different personality for each different group we encounter? I know I'm guilty of having one persona at school, and another outside of it (but that is partly of necessity because my school is extremely strict). Wouldn't the world be a better place if we could all just be ourselves?

Just bored at work, so my mind is just ruminating on all sorts of crazy stuff. Hope you're doing great!

1 comment:

  1. You know what's great, though? Trying on different hats from time to time. You never know which surprising one will fit :)
    xo B
