Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Late Night Wanderings maybe they aren't that late night...I started out about 7:00pm to get some pics around campus just cause I had the shutterbug itch. Walking to campus I ran into TC and ended up hanging out at their place for about an hour or so since I probably won't see them for a bit. By the time I left, it was really too dark to take shots by hand, but I came up with a couple keepers. Let me know what'cha think! My favorite is the last one. It was taken purely by chance; as I held my camera to get the shot, I noticed my shadow looked like a soldier saluting. Probably one of my favorite photos I've taken.

My neighbor's bike.

The Flag Plaza Fountain, where flags are flown representing each country our students are from.

The door to Berry Chapel. Always thought it was daunting at night for some reason.

Just thought this was cool...

Memorial to all the Ouachitonians who gave their lives in World War II.
The words that form the cross read:
Almighty God, merciful Father of all mankind, hear my dying petition. Inspire those who shall live in the world to see the futility and the tragedy of war. Fill their hearts with love of thee and their fellowmen. Grant unto them courage and wisdom to guide our world into a lasting peace. May my supreme sacrifice help those who shall come after to remember the terrible cost of war and then I shall not have died in vain but in service of thy Son, the Prince of Peace. Amen.


  1. Wow what great pictures I love them. You are truly an artist really. My great grandfather was in World War 2 and he now has his name on the wall in washington DC. He was at the raising of the flag. He guarded the men who raised the flag. In fact there is a book called Flags Of Our Flag that is really good. If you like to hear about World War 2 than you should diffently read that book it is so good.Anyways beautiful pictures.

  2. I absolutely love studying WWII, and I love that book. My grandad was in WWII, but he was at the dropping of the atomic bomb. It's amazing what humans can do under the pretense of war.

    Thanks for the props on the pics. I just got the shutterbug itch today for some reason ;)

  3. What was your grandfather's name maby my grandfather knew him. Who knows. what brance of the service was he in. Mying was in the Marines.

  4. Richard "Dick" Bensmiller. He would've been in the army but stationed aboard an aircraft carrier.

  5. Those are great shots. I should try more b&w photography, as I really love it (but isn't really any good at it). And I like the soldier photograph too. Looks very symbolic.

    And I'm very much into WWII as well. Not the actual war, of course, but studying it. As a subject it has fascinated me since I was little. Someday I will write something about it.
