Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2 Cups Short of a Batch

I have rediscovered my love of cooking! After 3 years in a college dorm, eating out of a cafeteria, I'd almost forgotten how much fun it was to whip up whatever I fancied. I've been feeling a little under the weather this week, and yesterday I finally got tired of eating soup and sandwiches and decided I wanted to make some cookies. I believed I had almost everything I needed to make butterscotch scotchies (recipe on the back of the Nestle Toll House Butterscotch chips package) and they just seemed like a good comfort food. Even though it was only about 7:00, I was already in my P.J.s and planning to hit the hay a bit early (I was hoping to get a little rest in an attempt to quell a pretty big headache). However, cookies sounded really good so I pulled on something semi-respectable and headed to the grocery store to pick up the one ingredient I knew I was missing, ground cinnamon. Thirty minutes later I climbed wearily up the steps to my apartment and began to pull out all the stuff to make my cookies. I was just about to start mixing things together when I realized I had better check and make sure I had enough of all the ingredients to actually fulfill the recipe. I made it all the way to the last item on the list, the oatmeal. As I picked up the container, I instantly knew it wasn't going to be enough. I decided to measure it out anyway, secretly hoping for a bread-and-fishes type miracle. Sure enough, I only had 1 cup to the required 3. I considered another trip to the store, but decided instead to just curse my rotten luck and climb into bed with a cup of hot tea. After work today, I came home and cooked a delicious dinner of beef stroganoff, then decided to once again attempt to make the scotchies. I braved the thunderstorm to head to the grocery store, and low and behold, oatmeal was "buy one, get one free!" I guess it did pay off after all! I set about making my cookies, and watching You Tube videos for a nice easy evening. I managed not to burn any of them, and now my new apartment smells absolutely wonderful! There's nothing more fun than putting together a whole bunch of seperate untasteful ingredients to make something that's purely heavenly (if I do say so myself!). Now I just have to find someone to give all these cookies to since they are strictly against my diet!
(Note to self: Cookies and cookie dough are not good for an upset stomach...)


  1. Oh, Ruth, I feel for you (moms always feel for upset stomachs). But I think it's great you're cooking, and so well. Another thing we worry about -- that you guys won't eat properly!

    Hope you feel better! xo Barbara

  2. Clearly you have more fortitude than I. When I'm sick, the last thing on my mind is baking, much less going to the store, especially in a thunderstorm. Good on you. I hope you feel better soon.

    I'll take those cookies off your hands for you. :P

  3. Thanks for the well-wishes! I'm feeling much better today. I think it all had to do with the weather and being under a bunch of stress at work...

    As to cooking and eating well, I'm working on getting a commission in the National Guard so I have to behave myself and get in shape...unfortunately! And here I thought I'd left all my days of eating veggies behind me when I left for college....

    Don't let me fool you about the fortitude! I would much rather be a big baby when sick, but the one thing I'll do anything for is my comfort food. I rationalized that it would cost less to make cookies than buy them, and since I'm on a budget I figured I could suck it up. I think that after the two trips to the store I probably would've been better off just buying a package of Oreos :D
