Saturday, June 5, 2010

Simpler Times

While trying to organize my new apartment, I came across a bunch of old photos. There were pictures of me and my sisters with our mom and great-grandparents, all of whom have passed away, and I just sat down and reveled in a trip down memory lane. Memories flooded back of my great-grandfather, who is probably the biggest influence on my life. I recalled hours spent riding the tractor with him, not really working, just looking to get away from the rest of the family and relax for a bit. Hours spent working in his garden growing the biggest watermelons I have ever seen. Laying the path for my great-grandmother's new garden areas. Helping bottle feed baby cows and many good memories. It almost makes me wish I could turn back the cogs of time and return to being 5 years old again. When my biggest worry was how to hide the muddy mess of a tepee that had once been my grandmother's best linens (oops!). Or spending evenings sitting out by the cattle pond watching the sun go down. Not having to worry about college tuition, classes, or a job, but just enjoying the time spent making mud pies with my sisters, and convincing the youngest one they actually did taste like Oreos! It seems like when we're younger all we want to do is grow up and now that I'm well on my way to being an adult, all I want to do is relive those days. Oh well, that's enough of memory lane for the moment...there seems to be a pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen calling my name...


  1. I too love those nostalgic moments. Sounds like you have a lot of good memories (yay for baby horses).

  2. I've always been accused of being a sentamentalist! I love any excuse not to do housework :D
