Monday, June 14, 2010

The Best Medicine

This post was inspired by a recent post from Deb and Barbara at The Middle Ages. Their post concerning the goodness of people in the world and the resulting discussion of reading or not reading all the bad news we get in newspapers, led me to consider what I do to keep it all in perspective. It's so easy to get discouraged by all the terrible happenings in the world today. We are constantly bombarded with news of wars, death, natural disaster, and all other atrocities thought up by mankind, and I have found that I must be intentional about adding some joy to my life or risk being swept away by the discouragement of the world. Every day when I come home the first thing I do is either turn on the TV to a comedy show or look up some funny videos on YouTube. I try to take 10-15 minutes to have a laugh and relax from the stress of the day before beginning homework, housework, and all the rest of the stuff I must do that evening. When I was in the dorm, my suitemates and I would set aside 11:00-12:00pm Monday thru Friday to watch reruns of our favorite comedy show on TV. We found that no matter how strained the atmosphere of the suite was, for that one hour we could just sit down and have a good time. For me, it is impossible to be mad with someone if I'm sitting there with tears rolling off my face, and a stitch in my side and they are stuck in the same situation. Laughing together helped us set aside our differences and all the drama going on with our families, and schoolwork and simply enjoy spending time together. I've noticed that the power of a laugh is unmeasurable. Even just a simple smile in someone's direction can change their day. Many's the time I've been having a rotten day, only to encounter someone who took the time to give me a quick hug and a smile, and had that simple act turn my day around completely. Laughter can help chase away the film of despair that comes from watching/reading the news and hearing about all the horrible things happening in the world or from things happening in our own lives. There's just something infectious about laughter. When someone around me starts laughing I immediately start to chuckle, even if I don't know why they're laughing. Unfortunately, much of the time it's laughter at my expense, but I don't even mind that anymore. Life is a lot more fun when you can learn to laugh at yourself. So don't take yourself too seriously and try to laugh everyday. I guess that's become my new goal for the summer!

(Sorry for not having posted for awhile, I've been playing catchup from when I was sick...not too much fun at all)

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