Sunday, July 11, 2010

Triumph #001 - Rules of the Road

Today's triumph (though it will be a short one cause it's been a long day) has to do with the common courtesy drivers show to those traversing the motorways with them. While driving through rural Texas today on the way back to my home in Arkansas, I was struck by just how courteous the other drivers were. There is an unwritten rule that all drivers are expected to treat others as they would like to be treated. Of course, there are the exceptions of the few rednecks with huge trucks who pass three people a time in a non-passing zone, or the city-slicker in a fancy car who believes he is the most important person on the road, but for the most part everyone adheres to this unwritten rule. You drive the same speed as those around you, even if it is slightly above the limit, and the cops will leave you alone. If someone wants to go faster than you, you simply pull over and let them by. Slower traffic always travels in the right lane. Big trucks don't cut you off, but wait their turn before trying to pass other trucks. It's a very easy to understand, wonderful system of travel. If everyone is tolerant and patient then it makes the roads much friendlier for all traveling them. It did my heart good today to see such common courtesy displayed as I traveled the long road back home. I hope this rule is the same for other places, it surely does make my time in the car easier.

Note to self: Do not get a sunburn on your face/legs/arms before driving 8 hours in a semi-air conditioned car. It is not the most pleasant thing imaginable. (But hopefully it'll turn into a nice tan!)


  1. I really like what you have done to your blog. How did you get that picture of your self up there I have been trying to do that ANd I can't seem to do that.Like I keep saying I am not a tech person. Anyways nice post and I like what you have done to your blog. Nice job

  2. Thanks!! I hate to keep making changes so I think I'm going to try to stick with this.

    To put a picture as your background behind the title. Go to where you can edit the title of your blog, there's an option to add a picture and you just select place behind text (or something like that). Does that help at all? I can give you more detail if you need it.

  3. Thanks for the help. I know how to add it but I can't seem to get it to strech across my whole title

  4. No problem. I had issues getting it to fit correctly as well. That's why I put two of them together...ended up working just as well I though.
