Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Triumph #002 - H's Mad Photography Skills

Been a long day so I thought 'd just give props to my sister's mad photography skills. It aways brightens my day to see the latest pictures she's posted on Facebook,or emailed to me. These are some pics she took of me when I was home on vacation. She's taken many better ones, but she didn't have much to work with on these. My favorite is the one of my tattoo, which has now marked me as the black sheep of my family :)

An update on my gradmother situation: Called her this morning, and she is doing better. Apperantly she's decided to stick around until Christmas so she can see everyone together one last time. Could definitley see the progression of Alzhimer's from the last time we spoke, even though it wasn't that long ago. Made the right choice to call her, but it made me realize that if I don't go see her I'm going to really regret it so I'm trying to figure out how to make that happen.


  1. That is great Ruth that you talked to your grandmother. It may take time for you to go see her. It is not easy seeing someone you love like that. And by the way you do have really good photo skills. Very nice. They are really good. I like to take photo's as well. I carry my camera with me every where. Nice Job.

    PS:Just posted a blog that I think is instering see what you think. Also thanks for helping me with my question about how you put an image behind my title . I figured out how to do that now just one more question How do I make the image strech so I can fit my whole title in the image.

  2. I'm glad to hear your grandmother is planning on seeing everyone at Christmas. Sounds like it's going to be a really emotional holiday for y'all. I wish you all the best. *hugs*

    Your sister is a very impressive photographer indeed. My favorite thing about these photos is that they're all so honest and vibrant. Nothing feels like it's been posed to death.

  3. Thanks so much for the awesome comments and hugs!! I can never get enough hugs :D

    I'll pass on your photo comments to H, I'm trying to encourage her to get her stuff out there for others to see.
