Sunday, July 25, 2010

Phooling Around Again

I was going through my old photos on my computer and I found some that didn't make the first cut, but I changed my mind and decided they might be worth sharing anyway. Hope you enjoy them and have a restful Sunday afternoon.


  1. Those are just beautiful photo's, Wow you have talent taking pictures.

  2. Oh, but those are pretty! I especially like the dramatic sky ones and the macro flowers. It is such a chance whether I get decent pics or not whenever I attempt anything macro. About half the time I focus on the wrong thing (or my camera does...), and the rest of them aren't necessarily good macro shots even if they are focused. So I am always very impressed with people who actually know HOW to take good macro shots!

  3. Thanks, Cruella! I feel your pain on the macro shots. Spent about 30 minutes yesterday stalking a bug shedding it's old skin, but I never got the shot...still bugs me! (pun intended!) I love taking pics, but hate when I can't make 'em look like they should in my head :D
