Friday, July 2, 2010

Just Say No!

I'm one of those people that has a hard time saying no to someone who needs help. If I can possibly reaarange my schedule to fit the project in, I will. So this week I have found myself editing the video and photo montage from the volunteer project I did last week. It was after I agreed to do this editing that I realized I would only have 1 week to do the project instead of the 2 that had been set aside, because I'm going on vacation next week.  So this week has been spent trying to figure out how to put this video together, which is why there have been no posts since Monday. Due to technical difficulties with file formats and such I didn't actually start editing (putting the movie together) until yesterday morning and I was planning to drive to Texas tonight. Yesterday and today  were filled with trying to condense 3 hours 18 minutes and 29 seconds worth of video clips and 997 photos into a 10 minute before and after presentation. Having had no training making these videos except a little dabbling for other work projects, this has really stretched the boundaries of my creativity. Thankfully, I'm pretty good at figuring out computer programs on the fly, but I am so worried about how it came out. As I sit here writing this I'm remembering some photos that I forgot to add, that I should go back and fix, but I just can't face the hours of editing and finalizing that would take. UGH! I'm glad that I can come and dump here, because I could never say anything about it at my job, they have no idea how hard it was for me to get this done. Most of the time the editor spends weeks putting this video together, and I had just two days! I'm sure the quality will show it, but as the last minute stand in, I'm not going to worry about it to much.
One of my co-workers told me to just throw something together and work too hard on  it, but I looked at and told her there was no way I was going to (pardon my French) half-ass something with my name on it! Talk about having no pride in your work. At least it's done and tomorrow I get to drive the 9hrs to see my family in Texas. I'm super excited about that since I haven't been home except for one weekend at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Since I've been at my job over 6 months, I got a week of paid vacation, and I in my youthful ignorance have decided to use it all up at  once and go home to spend some time with Dad, H, S, and my Max. By this time tomorrow I hope to be sitting out on the deck in Tejas with a cold drink in hand, and my puppy by my side!


  1. I agree with you about not half-assing it. And I'm sure the effort you put into it, even in such a short amount of time, will show. Have a safe drive to Texas and enjoy your vacation. ^^

  2. I am like you. If I say that I am going to do something i am not got to do it halfed assed . I am not going to complain as well. I think that is where people make there biggest mastakes they complain.Just do what you have to do and get the damn thing done

  3. Trying to tell me something Lyndsie? LOL!

    I'm just glad it's over with and I can enjoy my vacation! It's too bad I won't be there when they show the video, I'll still be in wonderful Texas. Hopefully they'll forget about it by the time I get back! Thanks for the great comments!

  4. No I am just saying that I have heard people complain when they have had to do something for someone else. That is what I mean. But yeah great post. Have fun on your trip.

    PS: check out my blog I have wrote a couple of good post and I think that they relate to anyone who grew up in the 90's . and also check out the video I posted under the beautiful videos on my blog. you will be amazed . well at least I was.LOL have fun on your trip.
